10 Online Dating Red Flags to Look Out For

Online dating can be great but it's important to know what red flags to look out for when using dating apps and websites. From bots and scammers to people who lie about their marital status, here are 10 online dating red flags.

10 Online Dating Red Flags to Look Out For

Online dating can be a great way to meet new people, but it's important to Activate Security and know the person, not the profile. There are certain red flags that should be taken seriously when using dating apps and websites. From bots, to scammers, to people who lie about their marital status, here are 10 online dating red flags to look out for. Of American online daters, 71 percent report that they believe that lying is prevalent on dating apps. But whether lying is as widespread or not as some believe, we can all agree that there are definitely some users who do embellish.

It's important to Activate Security and take the necessary steps to protect yourself when using online dating platforms. It's important to pay attention to the details of the photos, ask questions about the photos, and perform a reverse image search to reduce the chances of being caught. If the person you met sends you sexually explicit images without your consent, this is a clear warning sign. Another red flag is if they ask you to send sexually explicit images right away. If your partner is constantly pushing you to meet in person or share more personal information than you're comfortable with, it's a red flag. If someone expresses their love for you and seems to focus on feelings and not on getting to know you, this is a warning sign. If someone you just met on a dating app asks for your phone number or personal email address before you even meet them, that's a red flag. If you've been talking to someone online for a while and they're constantly refusing to meet in person, that's a big red flag.

An online dating profile is the first glimpse you have of someone's personality, what they enjoy in life, and what they're looking for. If a man dodges questions or doesn't show goals in life or bother to think beyond weekend plans, these can be warning signs. It's not so much that a few green flags are a sign that this is the only one or that this person is a guardian, but that, at that moment, this person is doing the right thing, nothing more and nothing less. With that said, below are some tips to help identify red flags with guys and girls who are immature, don't know what they want, or are trying to sleep with you instead of trying to get to know and date you. Online dating doesn't have to be a minefield. Of course, you're going to get bad coincidences, but that's the reality.

Bad dates also happen in real life. But the truth is that most people don't participate in online dating to play games, they're looking for love. So pay attention to these online dating red flags and make it a little easier to find your other half.

Allen Craiger
Allen Craiger

Incurable food advocate. Devoted web guru. Freelance analyst. Avid twitter expert. Hardcore internet ninja. Typical webaholic.